When I look at an old school biker and his ole lady, I see a rose. Roses are difficult to grow, as is a bikers relationship. He is the blossom, the part of the rose that the biker world sees. She is the stem, the part that holds him up.
The blossom should be full, and vibrant. The stem is a big part of this. She keeps him grounded, rooted. Bringing him the nutrients he needs to grow……trust, care, support, strength and love.
The stem often goes unnoticed by those looking at the rose, though it is the life line to the blossom.
So as I look at a biker and his ole lady, I know what she had dealt with and been through. I know how he had depended on her for strength and support. She gives her all to see him excel and be respected, in turn he protects her with all he has.
When the stem is cut, the rose soon dies. This is why a rose has thorns…..to protect the stem, so the blossom can bloom.